October is here and as the joys of the fall season arrives with the beginning of the holiday season, parties, and praying for cooler temperatures to finally arrive… October also brings some topics nationally and internationally for health awareness.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and so many women are unsure of the guidelines and even more concerning, fearful of the testing. I would love to help alleviate some of the fears and myths of screening.
First and foremost women need yearly screening mammograms beginning at 40. Many women fear that the testing is painful and although the machinery of days past was a squeeze of a lifetime, enter in the digital age where less pressure and less radiation are needed for better pictures and better detection. Another myth is of radiation exposure and rest assured the amount of yearly, lifetime mammogram radiation exposure is less than one CAT scan or CT scan. The radiation exposure is negligible now and testing is so much less expensive and more effective than ever. Testing is even free if you search often throughout the year. Check the local news station websites and just do a good internet search routinely.
There are many publicly available screening opportunities through the University Health System and Cancer Clinics locally that are often free or very little cost and take 10 minutes. Even the worst of insurance coverage allows for cost free testing.
Women have affordable and comfortable access and just need the knowledge of its safety and effectiveness to save a life. The statistics I see clinically are 6 of 10 may have a questionable result needing further testing and then 2-3 of those may need further evaluation with possible biopsy and .5-1 of those find an actual tumor requiring treatment. The odds are in your favor of a negative result but the options less favorable if a growth goes unfound and left to grow undetected.
Self-exams are equally as important as many women find their own abnormalities and when done frequently with enough time to remove and cure a cancer before it has a chance to end a life.
With the deaths of Kelly Preston and Olivia Newton John and others, breast cancer has been given more attention but these are examples of cancer deaths and not cancer wins. Breast cancer and any cancer kills when left unfound and with the exceptional ability these days of exceptional technology that is less painless, less expensive, and more accessible than ever there is no excuse for any women to lose their lives to breast cancer.
Here are a few ways to find a source of testing in San Antonio.
University Health Systems
Enjoy a healthy beginning to the 2022 Holiday Season!