In addition to helping countless others achieve better health, I have also worked hard to improve my own health. I was 300 lbs, and I lost 181 lbs in 2 years through diet, exercise, hormones, and mind and body techniques. I have suffered from rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune hepatitis, and cancer, and I truly understand how difficult health problems can be.
Hi, I’m Dr. Pinkston, I’ve earned 2 medical degrees, spent 25 years running a family practice, and volunteered thousands of hours of teaching. I bring all of my expertise to The Better Life with Dr. Pinkston. Learn more about holistic medicine and how to live your life with passion and purpose on my show.
Listen to The Better Life with Dr. Pinkston easily. The show is available on all podcast platforms, including your favorite provider such as Spotify, YouTube, iTunes, iHeart Radio, and more!
See our YouTube Network, Better Life TV where we highlight the most influential established AND up and coming stars in the Integrative Medical and Life Improvement World.
Dr. Pinkston can also be heard on Sirius XM’s Healthy Choices Network.
To provide the most accurate and up-to-date information, I invite medical professionals from every field to the show such as mental health experts, researchers, and even sportscasters.
In addition to hosting The Better Life, I run a family practice. If you need personalized medical advice, make an appointment at my practice. I can't wait to meet you and your family.